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Shop News
Here you can read about what happens behind the scenes at the shop. Our achievements, the initiatives we support and the events we're involved with. I also share advice and ideas from my own sustainable living journey to help you along your own.

Katie Campling
Mar 6, 2023
Carbon Neutral
Going the extra mile for our planet. I'm delighted to announce that Earthian Zero Waste Shop is officially carbon neutral! I've been...

Katie Campling
Jan 5, 2023
Supplier Spotlight: The Teahouse
I thought it would be a great time to share more about the teas we stock and the company behind the blends...

Katie Campling
Jun 30, 2022
Shop Online With Us!
I am very excited to introduce our new website, which provides more convenient ways to shop with us...

Katie Campling
Apr 11, 2022
Paying The Living Wage
We are proud to have been certified as a Living Wage Employer. Here are our reasons for choosing accreditation..

Katie Campling
Nov 18, 2021
Green Christmas Gifting 2021
While we are here to provide you with everyday essentials all year round, we are also getting into the festive spirit...

Katie Campling
Nov 9, 2021
Where does our waste go?
I have a goal here at Earthian Zero Waste Shop to be a zero waste to landfill business...

Katie Campling
Sep 20, 2021
Part 1: Recycling at Earthian
Since the very first day we opened doors at the shop we have been a collection point for recycling.

Katie Campling
Sep 1, 2021
Organic September
Choose organic for people and planet. 1 - 30 September. There is growing evidence to show that organic farming is not just better for our...

Katie Campling
Jul 22, 2021
Bike About Town
We have a bike! Not only is this bike beautiful, but it is also sustainable, ethical and one of a kind.

Katie Campling
Apr 28, 2021
Organic Sunflower Mince
One of the big things that our little shop has been missing is a meat-free alternative for protein in cooking...

Katie Campling
Apr 9, 2021
The Shaving Switch
Making the switch from plastic disposable razors to a safety razor with replaceable blades is one of the best waste saving changes...

Katie Campling
Apr 1, 2021
Supplier Spotlight - Toats Mylk
Our first delivery of Toats Mylk has just arrived and it is ready and waiting on the shelf. I’m delighted to have a local company...

Katie Campling
Feb 11, 2021
Oils On Tap
I’m excited to share some details about the latest addition to the shelves.. We are now able to offer two fantastic cooking oils on refill..

Katie Campling
Jan 31, 2021
Lentil, Chickpea and Squash Curry Recipe
Warming and flavourful vegan curry. This curry recipe does require a small amount of pre-prep and takes just over an hour to make, but I...

Katie Campling
Nov 21, 2020
Beans, Beans, The Musical Fruit
I love beans, they are such a versatile food that can be put in almost anything from salad, stew, chilli or curry.

Katie Campling
Nov 17, 2020
Supplier Spotlight - Proud Mary Soaps
Welcome to another in my Supplier Spotlight series... about the amazing artisan business that makes our shampoo and conditioner bars..

Katie Campling
Nov 2, 2020
November Lockdown Update
I wanted to share a blog post about the lockdown to make sure that there is an easily accessible guide to some of the changes here...

Katie Campling
Oct 23, 2020
Is Zero Waste Expensive?
To try and break down some of the misconceptions around zero waste shopping, I have put together this price comparison...

Katie Campling
Oct 13, 2020
Granola Bar Recipe
This is the first in a series of blog posts I wanted to write sharing my favourite recipes using ingredients you can get from the shop.

Katie Campling
Oct 4, 2020
How To Shop Zero Waste
I wanted to put together a little blog to talk through the shop and what make it a unique way of shopping for your everyday essentials.
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